Shannon Medical Center | Health Beat | Winter 2020

4 HEALTH BEAT Colorectal cancer 8 KEY FACTS TO KNOW Colorectal cancer is a leading cancer killer. This year alone it’s expected to claim more than 51,000 lives nationwide. But it doesn’t have to be so deadly. To learn how to help protect yourself from this cancer, just keep reading. You’ll also learn other must- know facts about the disease, which can develop either in the colon or rectum. THE LIFETIME RISK OF COLORECTAL CANCER IS SLIGHTLY HIGHER FOR MEN. About 1 in 22 American men is diagnosed with colorectal cancer. That compares to about 1 in 24 women. 1 SYMPTOMS 3 MOST COLORECTAL CANCER STARTS AS GROWTHS CALLED POLYPS. Not all polyps be- come cancerous. But over time, some—usually ones called adenomas— can change into cancer . Typically, this takes 10 to 15 years. about colorectal cancer 2 RISK HOW IT STARTS YOU SHOULD NEVER IGNORE SYMPTOMS. Because colorectal cancer grows slowly, you could have the dis- ease and still feel completely healthy. That’s why you need to see your primary care provider (PCP) if you have any of these possible red flags of colorectal cancer: A CHANGE IN BOWEL MOVEMENTS, such as diarrhea, constipation or a narrowing of stool that lasts for more than a few days. AN URGE TO HAVE A BOWEL MOVEMENT that doesn’t go away despite having one. RECTAL BLEEDING. DARK STOOL OR BLOOD IN THE STOOL. BELLY PAIN. WEAKNESS OR FATIGUE. UNINTENDED WEIGHT LOSS. ON A REASSURING NOTE: These symptoms are often trig- gered by something other than cancer, such as hemorrhoids or irritable bowel syndrome. But don’t take the risk: Let your PCP determine the cause.