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H E A L T H b e a t
Beans have amazing versatil-
ity and variety (pinto, kidney, navy
and black, just to name a few). Nutri-
tionally, they’re great as a vegetable
and as a source of protein.
Ahalf-cup of beans gives you a third
of your recommended daily value of
fiber and as much protein as 1 ounce
of meat—without the saturated fat.
Beans are also a good source of mag-
nesium, potassium, folate, iron and
Citrus fruits
Whether you pre-
fer oranges, grapefruits, tangerines,
lemons or limes, your favorite citrus
fruit delivers a sweet-tart kick with a
healthy punch.
You know them for their vitamin C,
but these fruits have even more to
offer. Oranges, for example, contain
folate, calcium, potassium, thiamin,
niacin, magnesium and fiber. Remem-
ber: The fiber is in the whole fruit, not
the juice.
Dark green, leafy vegetables
According to the ADA, you can’t eat
too many dark green, leafy foods,
such as spinach, bok choy, broccoli,
kale, chard and greens (including
mustard, collard, turnip and dande-
lion greens). In general, the darker
the green, the better it is for you.
Greens are low in calories and
carbohydrates. But that doesn’t mean
they’re wimpy. These veggies are high
in vitamins A and C, calcium, and iron.
Fat-free milk and yogurt
These dairy products are excellent
sources of calcium and potassium and
may also be fortified with vitamin D.
The nonfat versions of milk and
yogurt have the same nutritional value
as the full-fat alternatives—without
the saturated fat.
The U.S. Department of Health
and Human Services recommends
that most adults get 3 cups of milk
products each day.
Walnuts, peanuts, almonds
and pecans—pick your favorites and
enjoy them in a variety of ways. They
are packed with protein and are also
high in folate, niacin, fiber, magne-
sium, selenium, zinc and unsaturated
fats (the healthy kind).
A handful of nuts makes a health-
ful snack that may reduce your risk
of heart disease and some forms of
cancer. But don’t overdo it—they are
high in fat and calories.
Sweet potatoes
The Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention ranks
sweet potatoes among the most nutri-
tious vegetables available. Sometimes
miscalled yams, sweet potatoes aren’t
true yams, which are larger, less nu-
tritious roots that are rarely found in
the grocery store.
Sweet potatoes are packedwith fiber
and vitamins A and C. They also have
small amounts of calcium and iron.
Try them in place of regular potatoes.
Is it a fruit? Is it a vegeta-
ble? Brimming with vitamins C, E and
A, as well as iron, a tomato is good for
you no matter how you slice it.
If fresh tomatoes aren’t for you,
cooked tomatoes also offer plenty of
And officially, tomatoes are a fruit,
although they are treated like veg-
etables in most Americans’ kitchens.
Strawberries, blackberries,
raspberries, blueberries—there’s a
mouthwatering array to choose from.
All of them are packed with antioxi-
dants, vitamins, potassium and fiber.
Look for in-season berries—they
taste the best and are more affordable
than out-of-season fruit. You can also
buy them frozen.
The best thing about berries:
They’re easy. Most can be eaten raw.
Just wash and enjoy.
Fish high in omega-3 fatty
Fish with large amounts
of omega-3s, such as salmon and
albacore tuna, are a great source of
protein and vitamin D and are low in
saturated fat. Omega-3s are good for
your heart and help lower triglycer-
ides (a type of blood fat).
Aim to eat 6 to 9 ounces of fish per
week. Avoid breaded and deep-fat fried
fish. Bake or grill fish and season it
with herbs and lemon juice—not salt.
Whole grains
Rolled oats, pearled
barley, whole wheat and rye are ex-
amples of whole grains—they still
have the germ and bran intact.
By comparison, processed grains,
such as enriched wheat flour, don’t
have these essential parts—which
means they don’t contain the nutrients
you need.
Whole grains are a good source
of fiber, magnesium, chromium,
omega-3 fatty acids and folate.