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« Previous Page Table of Contents Next Page »than 37 million people, and 7 million have chronic sinus-itis. Tis health problem is more prevalent than asthma and may afect your quality of life.
“Initially, most sinus problems are treated with medi-cation,” Dr. Huchton says. “However, medications prove to be inefective for 20 percent of people sufering from sinus issues. Luckily, sinus surgery is an option when medications and other treatments are inefective.”
HOW IT’S DONE Te goal of the minimally invasive sur-gery is to unblock the sinuses while preserving function and maintaining anatomy. Balloon sinuplasty parallels the function of the coronary angioplasty procedure. A catheter is inserted through the nose and into the target sinus cavity. Ten the balloon is infated, gently unblock-ing the drainage passage of each sinus. Te now wider passage restores normal sinus drainage and function, relieving the complications of sinusitis.
“Eligibility for surgery depends on a patient’s his-tory and the degree of illness caused by the sinuses,” Dr. Huchton says. “Generally, candidates are those who have chronic sinus issues, such as allergies and persistent
W e l l n e s s
A REVOLUTIONARY SURGERY is now available at Shannon to combat chronic sinusitis, a health problem resulting in more than 20 million doctor visits annually.
David Huchton, MD, and Clint Lasiter, MD, Shannon Clinic otolaryngologists, are the frst physicians in San Angelo to ofer balloon sinuplasty, the most advanced technology in sinus surgery.
“Balloon sinuplasty is the newest development in si-nus surgery, a feld that has evolved greatly over the last 50 years,” Dr. Huchton says.
Te sinuses are spaces behind the bones of the up-per face that keep mucus and air moving through their openings. Sinusitis occurs when the sinus openings close, causing mucus to become stagnant. Sinusitis afects more
Solutions for seasonal allergies
SNEEZING, STUFFINESS and a runny nose are common enough—nearly everyone has had these symp-toms when their immune system is fghting a cold virus. But add itchy eyes, nose and throat, and you have al-lergy symptoms, reports the American Academy of Al-lergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI). In this case, your body has mistaken harmless substances for an invader.
Tese substances are called allergens, and pollens and molds are among the most common. Te body fghts them by releasing chemicals such as histamine.
According to the AAAAI, allergy symptoms usually start in the spring, when tree pollen is spread by wind. In late spring and early summer, most pollen comes from grasses. Late summer and autumn brings pollen from weeds.
GO ON THE DEFENSE At the very least, allergy symp-toms can keep you from enjoying the outdoors. At their worst, seasonal allergies can trigger asthma—a serious lung disease that causes wheezing and shortness of breath.
Te AAAAI recommends these steps to help minimize seasonal allergies:
● ● Use air conditioning—it cleans, cools and dries the air.
● ● Keep your windows closed at night.
● ● Stay indoors when the National Allergy Bureau (NAB) reports high pollen or mold levels. Te NAB tracks pollen
and mold levels throughout the U.S. You can check them at
● ● Wash bedding in hot water every week, but don’t hang it outside to dry.
● ● Wear a flter mask if you mow your lawn or rake leaves—these activities stir up allergens.
You can also try a medicine such as an over-the-coun-ter antihistamine or a prescription nasal steroid spray. If they don’t help, talk with your doctor about trying immunotherapy—a course of shots that can help prevent allergic reactions.
The balloon sinuplasty technique allows us to make the sinuses drain better and reduce infection and the backup of mucus and bacteria.
infections. Tese individuals ultimately have blockage of their sinuses, and the sinuses are not draining or aerating like they’re supposed to. Te balloon sinuplasty technique allows us to make the sinuses drain better and reduce infection and the backup of mucus and bacteria.”
WHAT TO EXPECT Te techniques used to perform the balloon sinuplasty surgery are far less invasive than conventional sinus surgery. Te procedure, performed under general anesthesia, generally takes 45 minutes to an hour and a half. Patients have minimal bleeding and less pain and may return to normal activity in as little as 24 to 48 hours. In contrast, conventional surgery uses an endoscope and shaver to remove bone and tissue, pos-sibly resulting in more postoperative pain, scarring and bleeding and a recovery time of 7 to 10 days.
“For patients with sinus blockage, this may be a one-time fx,” Dr. Huchton says.
Consult your physician to fnd out which treatment option is best for you. For more information about the
balloon sinuplasty procedure, call Shannon Clinic otolaryngology department at 325-481-2283 .
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