Shannon Medical Center | Health Beat | Fall 2014 - page 7

Several members of
my family have had breast
cancer. Does that mean
I’m at risk for it too?
e answer depends,
in part, on which fam-
ily members have had the
For example, a woman
who has a first-degree
female relative with breast
cancer has about double
the usual risk for the dis-
ease. (A rst-degree rela-
tive is an immediate family
member—a mother, sister
or daughter.)
Having two rst-degree
female relatives with breast
cancer triples a woman’s
risk. There’s also some
increased risk if a brother
or father has had breast
cancer, although howmuch
risk isn’t clear.
I have diabetes, and
I’ve heard that it’s really
important that I get a flu
shot every year. Why?
It’s true that a yearly
u shot is essential for you.
And there are several rea-
sons why.
First, diabetes can
weaken your immune
system. As a result, you
have a heightened risk of
getting the flu since it’s
harder for you to ght o
the u virus.
And if you do come
down with the u, you’re
especially susceptible to
its complications, such as
pneumonia, which can be
deadly. You’re also more
likely than people with-
out diabetes to be hospi-
talized because of these
What’s more, even if
you don’t develop com-
plications, simply being
sick with the u can raise
I gave up smoking,
but I am struggling with
cravings. Any advice?
Congratulations on
quitting. You’ve taken one
of the most important
We asked members of our
medical staff to answer
questions about some
common health concerns.
Fernando Alcocer, MD,
Internal Medicine
Carolina Ojeda, MD,
Internal Medicine
Laura Adams, MD,
at doesn’t mean you
should disregard the medi-
cal history of relatives fur-
ther removed, however. It’s
good to know what, if any,
cancers occurred in your
grandparents or cousins,
for instance.
That’s because some
cancers can be passed down
through family genes. Breast
cancer is one of those. You
may be at increased risk for
breast and ovarian cancer if
you inherited genetic mu-
tations called BRCA and
Some signs of a possible
hereditary tendency for
these two cancers include:
Multiple cancers within
a family.
Cancers that occurred
in people at younger-than-
normal ages.
Two or more cancers in
one person, such as breast
and ovarian cancer or can-
cer in both breasts.
Breast cancer in men.
If any of the above ring
true for your family tree,
you may want to discuss
genetic counseling with
your doctor.
But keep these facts
in mind: Family history
is only one risk factor for
breast cancer. Most women
who develop breast cancer
have no family history of
the disease. So ask your
doctor to review all your
risk factors with you.
your blood sugar. It can
also keep you from eating
properly, which can make
your blood sugar uctuate.
It’s a good idea for any-
one you spend a lot of
time with to be vaccinated
against the flu as well.
While it’s very e ective, the
u vaccine doesn’t provide
percent protection
against the virus. So you’ll
reduce your risk of getting
the u even further if the
people around you don’t
have the u.
Finally, you should get
the u shot—not the nasal
spray u vaccine. e nasal
spray isn’t safe for people
with diabetes.
steps you can to help im-
prove your health.
But if you’re craving
a cigarette, what may be
most in order are words of
encouragement—and a few
suggestions on how to help
this craving and any future
ones pass.
Here’s a mini pep talk:
Remember, you can move
beyond the urge to smoke.
Every time you don’t light
up brings you that much
closer to becoming a per-
manent nonsmoker.
And now some tips on
how to bust those cravings:
Have something ready
to take a cigarette’s place.
Munch on carrot sticks or
sun ower seeds. Or chew
some gum.
Try lighting a candle or
some incense instead of a
Take some deep breaths.
ink about the fresh air
entering your lungs.
Keep your hands busy.
Hold something, such as a
pen or toothpick. Try knit-
ting or writing a letter.
Change your scenery. If
indoors, go outdoors, for
Brush your teeth. Con-
centrate on the fresh taste.
There are a number
of medical alternatives,
such as nicotine replace-
ment and/or an electronic
cigarette, which can be
prescribed by your doctor
Christopher Haddad, MD, cardiology
Rudy Haddad, MD, cardiology
Big Lake
James Williams, MD, family practice,
occupational medicine and sports
Services are available Monday
through Friday.
Big Spring
Christopher Haddad, MD, cardiology
Rudy Haddad, MD, cardiology
Benton Brown, MD, general surgery
Anthony De Mory, MD, nephrology
Luis Duarte, MD, neurosurgery
Kenneth Jastrow III, MD, general surgery
James Neill, MD, cardiology
Kellie Turner, RNC, CNM, OB/GYN
Luis Duarte, MD, neurosurgery
Grant Taylor, MD, rheumatology
Luis Duarte, MD, neurosurgery
Thomas Reid, MD, orthopedic surgery
Marcus Sims, MD, family practice
Ike Whitten, PA, family practice
Family practice services are available
Monday through Friday.
James Neill, MD, cardiology
Samia Benslimane, MD, cardiology
Elisa Brantly, MD, urology
Luis Duarte, MD, neurosurgery
Emmette Flynn, MD, general surgery
David Huchton, MD, otolaryngology
Clint Lasiter, MD, otolaryngology
Randy Martinez, DO, sports medicine
Grant Taylor, MD, rheumatology
Chris Vanderzant, DO, neurology
Family practice, internal medicine,
pediatrics and OB-GYN providers are
available Monday through Saturday.
Shannon is committed to providing quality health care to our family, friends and neighbors in our community and the surrounding area. We have several
specialists who host monthly or weekly clinics throughout the region to provide more convenient care for our patients. Check out a provider near you!
speci cally for you.
Talk with your doctor!
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